I am so thankful for so many things. I have a wonderful husband who loves me. I have two stepkids that expand me. I have two little kitties that cuddle up in my lap and float me through the bad days. I have a family that is charmingly rife with issues, and so very dear to me. My father is my hero, my mother is my friend and my mommy and I love her so much, my brother is one of my best friends. I have more good friends than I could have believed I would see 5 years ago. Maura, Susie, Jen, Becky, Emily, Becca, Beth. I am well fed and well clothed and I have a roof over my head that our insurance company just paid to fix before it fell on our heads. I am happy. I am confident in my God and I'm not worried about anything he touches, which is everything. I know the universe is fundamentally just, despite current appearances. I believe in redemption. I've seen it.
So in light of all that, this complaint is very small. CD33 has dawned CD33 and not CD1 as I'd thought. I'd been blissfully unhopeful for the last month, and now that tiny little flower has started to grow in me - and that makes the knowledge that it will likely have its head lopped off in the next day or so rather frustrating.
So, my Manager, thank you. And be merciful to me, in all the things I need and in all the things I lack. Kyrie eleison.
O Monogenis Ios ke Logos tou Theou athanatos iparhon ke katadexamenos dia tin imeteran sotirian sarkothine ek tis Agias Theotokou ke aiparthenou Marias, atreptos enanthropisas, stavrothis te, Hriste o Theos, thanato thanaton patisas, is on tis Agias Triados sindoxazomenos to Patri ke to Agio Pnevmati, soson imas.
*Edit* Given the sensations starting to emanate from my abdominal regions, I think I may be about to have my request handed back to me on toast with a pickle.
fat lady yet though, right?
and what about now?
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