Theoretically, I have a phone appointment tomorrow with the doc. I say theoretically because I'm not sure it will actually take place. Maybe she'll call today. Maybe not til Thursday. Gah.
We will be getting the results from J's latest semen analysis. Fingers crossing that the numbers are way improved since last time. WAY improved.
We're thinking seriously about an IUI this month, especially if the numbers are low. But even if they're OK, I may want to give the IUI a good shot on the Clomid.
We'll discuss what's "next". I really want off the Clomid, but I've not yet voiced that to the doc. Either way, she's doubtful we'll continue it much longer anyhow. So we'll see what she's got up her sleeve.
I'm also going to ask about one specific side effect of Clomid. Depression. I did some reading about it, and apparently it only shows up in less than 1% of those taking it, but if you've been diagnosed with depression before, the likelihood that you'll be in that <1%>
Maybe a reduced dosage of the Clomid will keep me ovulating but cut down on the myriad side effects.
In any case, that's the list. Spermies, turkey basters, new meds, down with Clomid. Check.
Clomid had some wicked side effects for me. Hot flashes all the time (and night sweats too) and I was super moody. And to boot I wasn't responding to it either - only getting one follicle each time. What I found that helped was trying acupuncture. My dr's office recommended it and it was such a huge difference! It totally mellowed me out and I didn't have any mood swings and the super lows of depression that I was feeling totally went away. PLUS I started to respond to the medication. I highly recommend it.
best of luck which ever way you go!
Good luck and fingers crossed!
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