Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The 2.5ww is ridiculous. Up until, oh, say 3 hours ago, I was feeling rather pessimistic about the whole baby thing, but simultaneously detached. It was nice. Sort of a relief. Then I found out my sister in law might be adopting a baby, very soon. Very cool. She and her husband started TTC something like 8 years ago, and have pretty much given up on it. She's not been told she can't conceive, but the odds are very much against it. So they've been talking about adoption for several years, but due to life circumstances, have been unable to pursue it. Til now. They may have a baby by summer. She met said child even. And I'm THRILLED for her and them. I love them dearly and they deserve it and they'll be wonderful parents. No negativity there at all. But it started the ache all over again.

So, incidentally, I somehow managed to stumble across (I don't know how it happened, so don't ask) the information that if I should turn up pregnant this round, I would be due, oh, say, right smack on Thanksgiving day. *misty eyes* But it sort of makes me want to punch a wall, because I feel so very very far from hoping for it.

It also means we only get one more shot at a 2009 baby. Puh. Now, I grant fully that it would be much easier in the long run to have a 2010 baby - much easier to calculate age, you see. And that's a major benefit. (You may be detecting a tiny bit of sarcasm. Pay it no heed.)

So, incidentally, this is where I stand at 3:59PM EST on Wednesday, March 11, 2009.


Veronica Foale said...

Well firstly, congratulations to your SIL. I hope the process is short and smooth for them.

And ((hugs)) for you. I'm hoping so hard you get a Thanksgiving baby.

Martin said...

oh the month counting!

yep, we are 10 days off our last chance at at 2009 child.

fingers crossed anyway.