OK. So can anybody tell me how LH surges actually work? Because I seem to hit two peaks - one somewhere around Sunday, and one yesterday/today. Sunday I had two darkish lines. Monday, nothing. Tuesday, two lines with a light test line. Yesterday, two dark lines again. *glare at world* What?
I'm wondering. If. All this time that I've been doing the OPKs could we be missing the actual surge, trying too early, and missing the egg? :-/ That would explain the super long luteal phase... maybe it's not so long after all?
It's enough to drive you batty. That's all I know for sure.
I don't know about two peaks... I've had some cycles where I've had four days of what I would consider "Positive" opk's. All I know is that the test line has to be the same color or darker than the control line... which drives me totally batty since it all comes down to color interpretation... We're doing IUI so if I get a surge its critical that I call the nurses and go into my RE's office that day... I totally understand how they can drive you crazy! :)
I wouldn't know. I do know that a long luteal phase used to do my head in on a regular basis because I had no idea WHEN I was ovulating.
we have once had two sepereated positives.
could also just be the tests.
Are you charting? it really is a great way to pin down when stuff happens over a period of months.
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