Monday, June 29, 2009

The painfully obvious

Life is not a movie.

Were it, I would have found out on my 27th birthday that I was pregnant, and I'd be due on my Dad's birthday. I'm not and I won't be. The much anticipated progesterone crash started last night and once again, CD34 has turned into CD1. Or at least, it's about to.

We'll find out how J's counts are this week, but either way, we might have to give up on the next 3 months. Why? You ask. Well, the great July shag-a-thon will be meagre due to the both of us working at a camp for high school kids for the duration of that week. We might be able to sneak away once. I'm sure it'll be phenomenal. Then, J is going to Italy for three weeks next May into June and no way in hell am I going to risk delivering our first child with him in some foreign country. Apparently he would not cancel the trip even if I should end up knocked up and due while he's gone. I'm resisting the urge to glare. *sigh* So there's that. In all likelihood, no babies for me until the end of next summer. At best.

Screw that.

On a positive note, I had a really nice birthday. I slept in, in a quiet house (no kids, no hubby), sat around a bit, had an awesome awesome workout, read a book in the sunshine, sat around a little bit, and then I went to work. Not the ideal birthday day, but it was good. I have some very good friends where I work, and lots of very friendly acquaintances and I really enjoy being there most days. After work, a few of us went out to Applebees for a drink. We go just about every Saturday night, but this week, one of my friends found it necessary to tell everyone it was my birthday. Thankfully, they don't do birthday songs there. But since we go there a lot, we know a lot of servers. I had no fewer than 6 balloons tied to my wrists. It was delightfully ridiculous. But it was a happy day. Not bad for 27.

J got me a throwing axe. Have I mentioned that I throw knives? Not well of course, but recreationally and occasionally. Well, he got me an axe. Might go outside and try that out this afternoon.


Maura said...

Axe throwing is the perfect thing for today. So sorry. *hugs*

Martin said...

There is a bleeding axe wound in there somewhere, but that would be distasteful.

Sorry about the blah. But happy birthday, you irritatingly young person you.

Veronica Foale said...

Sorry about your cycle and the crappy timing of everything.

Happy Birthday though, I'm pleased you had a good day.