Thursday, June 18, 2009

Commence twitching

Happy Thursday.

Bloodwork day. Did I ovulate or are there daily needles in my future?
Kids whining and fighting.
Elder kid whining to daddy about evil stepmom having the gall to break up said fight and make recommendations as to how to avoid/escape them in the future.
Hubby griping about location of clean laundry (admittedly not in correct location).
Hubby griping about just about everything that's out of place. Really, I'm trying. I just haven't managed to get ahead of things lately, so they're backed up and I apparently stink at guessing which thing is going to bug him next. Hello, I have 2.5 jobs. Oh, plus stepmom housewife duty.
Insane employer being her typical irresponsible unreliable disorganized self.

Commence twitching.

Next entry will be a happy one. Promise.


Martin said...

Good luck, hope you ovulated the **** out of this month.

Veronica Foale said...

I hear chocolate is good for twitching.

I'm hoping like mad that you ovulated.

Beth said...
